At CU Boulder, I researched AI & Machine Learning (ML) ethics. My PhD research focused on best practices for operationalizing fairness for ML platforms.
I utilize knowledge from my Bachelors Degree in Software Engineering to help audit and explain complex algorithms to CS students and the general public.
International Yoga and Meditation teacher • Kindness advocate • Nonprofit Founder • Empathy Driven • I chase meaningful projects that create positive social impacts.
Several years ago, I completed Simon Sinek's Find Your Why course, based off of his book Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action.
The course guided me through the experiences in my life that have shaped me, and helped me determine what keeps me driven and showing up for others.
Here's my why :
To live authentically, in constant pursuit of feedback and growth so that I can positively impact the world.
Percussionist, Pianist, Ukuleleist, Guitarist, Singer, Salsa Dancing Enthusiast
Teacher, Student, Public Scholar, Video Editer, Podcaster, Entrepreneur, Woman, she/her
Yoga Instructor, Paragliding Pilot, Solo Traveler, Volunteer Worker