We’re conducting research about algorithms and fairness --- do you create video content, use dating apps, or seek funding online? We want to know how your profile/content is exposed by these platforms’ recommendation and ranking algorithms, and how these platforms could be designed to treat you fairly!
The research team consists of Jessie J. Smith, PhD candidate in Information Science, Casey Fiesler, Associate Professor in Information Science, and Robin Burke, Full Professor in Information Science. We study algorithms and fairness.
We’re interested in learning more about how recommendation system providers (e.g., TikTok creators, Instagram influencers, Spotify musicians, iTunes podcasters, dating app users, digital marketplace sellers) are treated unfairly by recommendation and ranking algorithms, and how you would like these algorithms and platforms to be improved.
We are looking for people who are 18+ years of age, who fall into one of these three categories:
You will participate in a 90 minute virtual focus group over zoom with 4-9 participants total. The focus group will allow participants to discuss challenges they have faced with exposure and fairness in recommendation and ranking algorithms, as well as ways that they envision these algorithms and platforms could be improved. Participants will be compensated for the focus group with a $30 USD Amazon gift card.
Please fill out the form below to let us know you are interested. Jessie will get in touch with you to schedule your focus group or to let you know if we already have enough participants. You can also use the form below to ask questions about the study.